Mindful mailing list.
I run a year round calendar of events, including wellbeing workshops, mindfulness sessions, forest bathing sessions, mindful walks and mini retreats - online and in person.
Newsletter subscribers are always the first to know about new events - fill out the form to be kept in the loop!
Regulated: online workshop
A therapists guide to understanding and soothing your nervous system
Changing Seasons Mini Retreat: Spring
A mindful afternoon of nature connection & wellbeing practices to help you welcome the season.
Wintering Well: online workshop
Guidance on how to stay well in the darker months by learning to adapt and embrace the season
Forest Bathing at Clifton Country Park - Community Engagement session
Free Forest Bathing session in Salford. Experience nature connection for wellbeing.
Regulated: online workshop
A therapists guide to understanding and soothing your nervous system
Forest Bathing at Clifton Country Park
Free monthly Forest Bathing sessions in Salford. Experience nature connection for wellbeing.
Samhain Nature Walkshop
A mindful nature walk through the woods with the theme of Samhain (the original Halloween) with journaling and a hot drink around the fire.
Forest Bathing at Clifton Country Park
Free monthly Forest Bathing sessions in Salford. Experience nature connection for wellbeing.
Mindful Lunchtime walk (Salford Walking Festival)
As part of the Salford Walking Festival - a free month long event funded by the council - I’m pleased to offer a Forest Bathing session and lunchtime walk to help people experience the benefits of nature connection for wellbeing.
Full details and tickets here
Forest Bathing (Salford Walking Festival)
Salford walking festival is an annual event funded by the council, it’s a real pleasure to be involved once again so I can continue to support people to enjoy nature connection for wellbeing.
I have a Forest Bathing session and a lunchtime Mindful walk available for the festival.
Full detail and tickets available here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/944548288357?aff=oddtdtcreator
Forest Bathing at Clifton Country Park
Free monthly Forest Bathing sessions in Salford. Experience nature connection for wellbeing.
Forest Bathing at Clifton Country Park
Free monthly Forest Bathing sessions in Salford. Experience nature connection for wellbeing.